Wal-Mart Sucks!
Wal-Mart sucks! As far as I’m concerned, Wal-Mart is giving other “law-abiding” international conglomerates, such as Halliburton, a bad name (note the hint of sarcasm). So, why do people shop at this giant “superstore”? Perhaps for the same reason Dubya came out on top in November; a brilliant public relations campaign, a promise of economic benefit to customers, and above all, the assertion that the values of the corporation have the peoples' best interests at heart. In both cases, a little investigation proves these assertions false.
I'll add more when I have time, but feel free to post your comments on my lead paragraph
I'll add more when I have time, but feel free to post your comments on my lead paragraph
WalMart does suck in a lot of ways. To your query of 'why' they're makin it: I'm a cheap bastard, I have no taste, and I'm too lazy or timid to find several specific places to shop for quality goods. WalMart's low prices, bland product, and centralized all-product offering is exactly what I need as a consumer. Evidently there are quite a few million suckers out there just like me. More of us than you. Easy political parallels on that one. Some jerk once said it's all about the lowest common denomenator, ain't that a fact.
-peace out yo-
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