Show Me the Money
I'm going to get up on my soap box for a minute and touch on what I wrote about in my last post...
It looks like health care reform is going to lose the public option and will probably end up being no reform at all. Why? Because the folks with the money have once again purchased public opinion. Yes... public opinion is and always will be "for sale" as long as the masses choose to let corporate media do all of the thinking for them.
So, how did legitimate health care reform lose out? The masses were led to believe that any form of tax increase would be intolerable in these troubled economic times. Instead they would rather pay artificially inflated insurance premiums to boost corporate bottom lines.
I actually saw a so-called "average american" in Wisconsin on C-SPAN last night who was practically in tears thinking about what might happen to those poor little companies like Blue Cross and Kaiser if we had a public plan. Oh my! The poor dears! What would we do without corporate insurance companies charging us exorbitant monthly rates for what we think of as "health insurance." These health insurance plans only make sense if you stay healthy. God forbid you actually get sick or injured... but wait... wasn't this what we were trying to avoid with a public plan. No.
The distinction lies in the difference between who might have the authority to deny care. Apparently Americans would rather have a corporate bean-counter deny them coverage than a public servant. But ask yourself... who would be more motivated to save on cost and deny you coverage? Is it the public servant who makes his salary regardless or the bean-counter who probably has a bonus riding on how much he can save the company?
One thing that I really cannot make any sense out of... these folks that have bought the corporate pitch... they claim to love America. These are the folks that fly the flag, have magnetic yellow ribbons plastered across their bumpers, and oppose taxes every chance they get. I get it. Believe it or not, I love America too. This is a great country with limitless potential and a diversity not found any other place else on earth. Why would anyone think it should be free to live in such a wonderful place? Apparently the tax dollars that get funneled into the pockets of defense contractors are patriotic dollars but any dollars that might go to boosting our collective well-being are wasted.
I hope someday Americans as a whole will realize that we are all in this together.
It looks like health care reform is going to lose the public option and will probably end up being no reform at all. Why? Because the folks with the money have once again purchased public opinion. Yes... public opinion is and always will be "for sale" as long as the masses choose to let corporate media do all of the thinking for them.
So, how did legitimate health care reform lose out? The masses were led to believe that any form of tax increase would be intolerable in these troubled economic times. Instead they would rather pay artificially inflated insurance premiums to boost corporate bottom lines.
I actually saw a so-called "average american" in Wisconsin on C-SPAN last night who was practically in tears thinking about what might happen to those poor little companies like Blue Cross and Kaiser if we had a public plan. Oh my! The poor dears! What would we do without corporate insurance companies charging us exorbitant monthly rates for what we think of as "health insurance." These health insurance plans only make sense if you stay healthy. God forbid you actually get sick or injured... but wait... wasn't this what we were trying to avoid with a public plan. No.
The distinction lies in the difference between who might have the authority to deny care. Apparently Americans would rather have a corporate bean-counter deny them coverage than a public servant. But ask yourself... who would be more motivated to save on cost and deny you coverage? Is it the public servant who makes his salary regardless or the bean-counter who probably has a bonus riding on how much he can save the company?
One thing that I really cannot make any sense out of... these folks that have bought the corporate pitch... they claim to love America. These are the folks that fly the flag, have magnetic yellow ribbons plastered across their bumpers, and oppose taxes every chance they get. I get it. Believe it or not, I love America too. This is a great country with limitless potential and a diversity not found any other place else on earth. Why would anyone think it should be free to live in such a wonderful place? Apparently the tax dollars that get funneled into the pockets of defense contractors are patriotic dollars but any dollars that might go to boosting our collective well-being are wasted.
I hope someday Americans as a whole will realize that we are all in this together.
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